Arcadepreservation Wiki
7-Eleven (2210 Teague)
Years active 1976 - 1989
Number of games 3
Located U. S. A.
Status Closed


7-Eleven (or 7-11) is an international chain of convenience stores that operates primarily as a franchise. It originally opened for business in 1979 in the United States and has grown worldwide, having locations in China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and many other countries. Many of these locations had either several coin-operated games in their stores or even entire rooms devoted to them.

The location at 2210 Teague in Houston, Texas had a few games for several years that ran on quarters.

Known games[]

  • Defender
  • Gorgar? (pinball)
  • Others


This location shut down at some point during the 1980s or 1990s. Several businesses took its place, such as another convenience store and a flooring company, which also went out of business (the latter sometime in 2015).
